
The Death of birds in several area in Indonesia recently is the similar sign that was described by Rachel Carson in his 1962 Magnum opus writing “The Silent Spring”. Carson writes that the spring is silent because so many birds are dead due to massive pesticide use in the farming area. Shortly after the writing is published the world is calling for nature protection that is followed up by the Stockholm Conference that is later recognized globally as Earth Day. Introduction of Job Creation Law that is considered as pro market regulation is double edged sword as the law erodes certain terms and conditions set by Indonesian Environmental Law in order to adapt with business interest. The Government push on business licensing reform seems not to put the environmental concern as their consideration. The commitment on Sustainable Development Goals seems put aside as the idea to cater Indonesia Demographic Bonus and expanding economy is top priority. Corporate Social Responsibility could be the key factor to balancing the game between the business interest and social and environmental interest to keep the development and increasing economic value that align with social and environmental interest. The recent regulation of CSR that contained in Company Law and Investment Law also required it to be adjusted to expand the inclusivity of policy making on each company. Corporate Social Responsibility needs to be redefined as the responsibility on every stage of business decision making that also considers environmental concern. Caring only for inward looking interest in the company is no longer an option as the climate change crisis that currently occurred is getting worse. Immediate inclusive policy making is the key to balancing the interest of economic growth on one side and environmental sustainability on the other side of the coin.

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