
The objectives of the study are how to determine product bundling strategy andimplementation to Dekalb brand hybrid corn and Round-up brand herbicide. By analyzes how consumer attitudes toward buying intention in this regard farmers as buyer and retailers as products services. The data used is primary data. Primary data is obtained using 2 kind of respondents are retailers and farmers. The data obtained by distributed 30 questionnaires for retailers and 110 farmers in Grobogan. The descriptive statistic employed to analyzed data by using multiple linear regressions with t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The result showed that on retailers respondents attribute the product bundling has no significant influence to consumer buying intention but consumer attitudes significantly influence the buying intention. On the farmers respondents showed that attributes of the product bundling and consumer attitudes positive and significant influence to buying intention.


  • Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana menentukan strategi produk bundling dan implementasi untuk Dekalb merek jagung hibrida dan Round-Up merek herbisida

  • The descriptive statistic employed to analyzed data by using multiple linear regressions

  • that on retailers respondents attribute the product bundling has no significant influence to consumer buying intention but consumer attitudes significantly influence the buying intention

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Minat Beli

Dari hasil pengujian reliabilitas instrumen menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel yang diuji baik pada responden retailer maupun petani memiliki criteria nilai Cronbach’s Alpha > 0,6 sehingga dikategorikan reliabel dalam pengujian dan layak digunakan. Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda Analisis ini untuk mengetahui arah hubungan antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen apakah positif atau negatif dan untuk memprediksi nilai dari variabel dependen

Atribut Produk
Responden Petani
Mean square
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