
Infants with deformational plagiocephaly may be indicated for a cranial remolding orthosis (CRO) depending on the severity of deformation. Studies have found torticollis and prematurity to be risk factors for the development of deformational plagiocephaly and indicate younger infants have faster and greater correction. However, clinical decisions about which infants should be recommended for CRO treatment differ among healthcare providers and insurance coverage criteria vary. In order to provide insight into treatment recommendations, this study aims to examine the influence of 4 specific factors on CRO treatment time and the infant's resultant posttreatment head shape. Results indicate that presenting age, presenting severity, and the presence of torticollis significantly influence treatment duration. Presenting age and severity were found to significantly influence final head shape. The presence of prematurity was not found to be significant when infants were categorized by their corrected postpartum ages.

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