
Indoline dyes exhibit impressive short-circuit photocurrent (JSC) but show generally low open-circuit voltage (VOC) in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). To retard charge recombination in DSCs, four indoline dyes (XS41, XS42, XS43, and XS44) featuring, respectively, dipropylfluorene, hexyloxybenzene, tert-butylbenzene, and hexapropyltruxene electron donors, have been engineered. The incorporation of bulky rigid groups (i.e., dipropylfluorene and hexapropyltruxene unit) can notably retard the charge recombination at the titania/electrolyte interface. Moreover, we have developed two organic dyes (TC1 and TC2) as alternative coadsorbents to chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). Interestingly, it is found that regardless of the dye selection coadsorption with TC2 shows an improved VOC as well as JSC in comparison with its TC1 analogues. Dependence of photovoltage on the structure of TC1/TC2 was also investigated. The results suggest that the change in VOC is likely correlated with the molecular matching between the d...

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