
Swapna is seen when the Manas is active and Indriyas are inactive. Swapna is one of the factors which stand as a contributing factor in both healthy individual, in determining Prakruti and in diseased indicating the Darunavastha. Nidra is the synonym to Swapna. There are different classifications for Swapna explained by Bruhatrayee. Swapna is mentioned as one among the Arishta Lakshanas which signify the forthcoming death in many diseases. A non-randomized, cross-sectional survey study was conducted across 44 subjects’ study to elicit the significance of Arishta Lakshanas among clinicians. According to Ayurveda the Sookshma Shareera, along with the Manas is carried forward in Punarjanma. Thus, every aspect of life is comprehended through the subtle body manifested via the mind. The Lakshana of the forth coming death will be exhibited in the body as Swapna being one. Based on discussion, the importance of Swapna Arishta in clinical practice is being analyzed.

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