
Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) α-subunit 1a (α1a) and 1b (α1b) gene expressions in the gills are changeable in response to ambient salinity in a few salmonids. In this study, the expressions were compared among ambient salinities and used to infer sea entry migration of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta fry. The expression of α1a decreased from the 2 days after seawater (SW) transfer from freshwater (FW) and was significantly lower in SW-acclimated fry than that in FW-fry. On the other hand, the expression of α1b peaked on the first to second day after SW transfer and then settled to a level 2-fold higher than in FW-fry. In fry caught in the waterfronts of the beaches, the expression levels were quite similar to those on the first and second days after SW transfer, whereas, in fry caught off beach, the expressions were identical to those of SW-acclimated fry. These suggest that fry adapt to SW with moving along the shoal in the bay, and move to off beach after completing SW adaptation. One of the physiological significances in a usage of waterfront may be to transform the gills to SW type. Only fry on the 2 days after SW transfer failed to exhibit condition factor-dependency of burst swimming, probably due to physiological perturbation, which may be related to poor predation avoidance. The physiological approach used in this study inferred sea entry migration of fry; furthermore, it shows the possible significance of adaptation to SW in the shoal is to reduce predation risk.

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