
Mindfulness in Islam is akin to muqarabah, which refers to an individual’s practices in a situation where he has completely surrendered himself to Allah SWT, which is reflected in the calmness, peacefulness and awareness evident in him after doing so. According to Islam, prayers (solat) affect a person’s mental health. The word “solat” originates from Arabic and it is the derivative noun (masdar) from the verbs (fi’li) solla, yusolli, solatan, which means doa (supplication prayers), istighfar, al-maghfirah, al-rahmah, al-Islam, al-din. Al-Quran contains various elements needed by humankind, such as religious, social, economic, health, medical, scientific, political and other aspects, as a guide for achieving prosperity in this life and the afterlife, reciting the al-Quran daily showers a person with continuous serenity, which is a very effective therapy for a person facing pressures in life. recital Quran has a unique power in changing an individual’s inappropriate behaviour to appropriate behaviour. Al-Quran also provides all the internal and external needs required by a person to face the various challenges, reciting the al-quran is not only advantageous to a person but listening to recitals can also provide serenity and blessings from Allah swt.

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