
ABSTRACTThe current paper describes aspects of local immunity in the ovary and oviduct, and the significance of immunity to reproductive functions in hens. The immunocompetent cell populations in the ovary and oviduct change with a positive correlation to sexual activity, and gonadal steroid is one of the key factors in the increase. Local immune responses mediated by major histocompatibility complex class II and T cell subsets occur in response to infection by Salmonella enteritidis, which may contaminate eggs. In the ovary, immunocompetent cells are also suggested to play roles in the regulation of ovarian functions. Macrophages and T cells are likely to enhance the regression of atretic follicles to maintain the ovarian tissue microenvironment. Autoantibodies to ovarian tissues appeared in the hens with low egg laying frequency, suggesting that the auto‐antibodies may be one of the factors in the decline of egg production. In the oviduct, local immunity possibly has a role in the selection of sperm, though the immunoreactions may also affect sperm survival leading to the decline in fertility. The concentration of yolk IgY, which plays a role in maternal immunity transmission, significantly decreases with the aging of birds, whereas it is significantly increased by estrogen. Therefore, the immune system plays significant roles not only in defense against infection, but also in the functions of reproductive organs. Investigations on the local immune system in the reproductive organs and factors affecting it are of importance for the production of sterile eggs and improvement of reproductive functions.

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