
In the present scenario, human resource managers face more challenges as many changes are happening in the present working and external environment. The entry of women into the work force has created an imbalance in the family and in the work place. When an increase in number of women joining the paid workforce, there is an increase in demand for the workplace flexibility, also demand for childcare and eldercare facility. In order to stabilize it or to reduce the imbalance many policies have been designed to balance personal and professional life for the employees. Some of the changes brought in the work place helped to increase job satisfaction, lessen absenteeism, increase productivity and help to retain the employees and found enhanced commitment towards the organization. There is a general perception that imbalance in the educational institutions for teachers are very less compared to other professions. But, studies have shown different results based on the various variables taken into consideration. This study is undertaken to explore the interference of work into the family life and the family aspects into the work for the teachers especially who teaches in the higher classes. The data is collected from women and men teachers to find out whether there is an imbalance in their life and its effect on job satisfaction. The data is collected from selected established colleges that run pre-degree courses. It is decided to collect the data from married male and female teachers with at least one kid. It is expected that this study will able to throw light on job satisfaction and work life balance among the teachers who are teaching in the higher classes. The expectations of teachers with different age, experience, income etc can be understood in detail. The findings of the study can be considered for designing future work-life balance policies and programmes for the teaching fraternity.

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