
This paper studies learning meaningful node representations for signed graphs, where both positive and negative links exist. This problem has been widely studied by meticulously designing expressive signed graph neural networks, as well as capturing the structural information of the signed graph through traditional structure decomposition methods, e.g., spectral graph theory. In this paper, we propose a novel signed graph representation learning framework, called Signed Laplacian Graph Neural Network (SLGNN), which combines the advantages of both. Specifically, based on spectral graph theory and graph signal processing, we first design different low-pass and high-pass graph convolution filters to extract low-frequency and high-frequency information on positive and negative links, respectively, and then combine them into a unified message passing framework. To effectively model signed graphs, we further propose a self-gating mechanism to estimate the impacts of low-frequency and high-frequency information during message passing. We mathematically establish the relationship between the aggregation process in SLGNN and signed Laplacian regularization in signed graphs, and theoretically analyze the expressiveness of SLGNN. Experimental results demonstrate that SLGNN outperforms various competitive baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance.

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