
We present radio and infrared observations indicating on-going star formation activity inside the $\sim2-5$ pc circumnuclear ring at the Galactic center. Collectively these measurements suggest a continued disk-based mode of on-going star formation has taken place near Sgr A* over the last few million years. First, VLA observations with spatial resolution 2.17$"\times0.81"$ reveal 13 water masers, several of which have multiple velocity components. The presence of interstellar water masers suggests gas densities that are sufficient for self-gravity to overcome the tidal shear of the 4$\times10^6$ \msol\, black hole. Second, SED modeling of stellar sources indicate massive YSO candidates interior to the molecular ring, supporting in-situ star formation near Sgr A* and appear to show a distribution similar to that of the counter-rotating disks of $\sim$100 OB stars orbiting Sgr A*. Some YSO candidates (e.g., IRS~5) have bow shock structures suggesting that they have have gaseous disks that are phototoevaporated and photoionized by the strong radiation field. Third, we detect clumps of SiO (2-1) and (5-4) line emission in the ring based on CARMA and SMA observations. The FWHM and luminosity of the SiO emission is consistent with shocked protostellar outflows. Fourth, two linear ionized features with an extent of $\sim0.8$ pc show blue and redshifted velocities between $+50$ and $-40$ \kms, suggesting protostellar jet driven outflows with mass loss rates of $\sim5\times10^{-5}$ solar mass yr$^{-1}$. Finally, we present the imprint of radio dark clouds at 44 GHz, representing a reservoir of molecular gas that feeds star formation activity close to Sgr A*.

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