
Beyond-Standard-Model extensions of QCD could result in quark and gluon confinement occurring well above at temperature around the GeV scale. These models can also alter the order of the QCD phase transition. Therefore, the enhanced production of primordial black holes (PBHs) that can accompany the change in relativistic degrees of freedom at the QCD transition could favor the production of PBHs with mass scales smaller than the Standard Model QCD horizon scale. Consequently, and unlike PBHs associated with a standard GeV-scale QCD transition, such PBHs can account for all the dark matter abundance in the unconstrained asteroid-mass window. This links beyond-Standard-Model modifications of QCD physics over a broad range of unexplored temperature regimes (around 10-10^{3} TeV) with microlensing surveys searching for PBHs. Additionally, we discuss implications of these models for gravitational wave experiments. We show that a first-order QCD phase transition at around 7TeV is consistent with the Subaru Hyper-Suprime Cam candidate event, while a transition of around 70GeV is consistent with OGLE candidate events and could also account for the claimed NANOGrav gravitational wave signal.

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