
Information scrambling refers to the propagation of information throughout a quantum system. Its study not only contributes to our understanding of thermalization but also has wide implications in quantum information and black hole physics. Recent studies suggest that information scrambling in large-N systems with all-to-all interactions is mediated by collective modes called scramblons. However, a criterion for the validity of scramblon theory in a specific model is still missing. In this work, we address this issue by investigating the signature of the scramblon effective theory in random spin models with all-to-all interactions. We demonstrate that, in scenarios where the scramblon description holds, the late-time operator size distribution can be predicted from its early-time value, requiring no free parameters. As an illustration, we examine whether Brownian circuits exhibit a scramblon description and obtain a positive confirmation both analytically and numerically. Our findings provide a concrete experimental framework for unraveling the scramblon field theory in random spin models using quantum simulators.

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