
Anyons are exotic low-dimensional quasiparticles whose unconventional quantum statistics extend the binary particle division into fermions and bosons. The fractional quantum Hall regime provides a natural host, with the first convincing anyon signatures recently observed through interferometry and cross-correlations of colliding beams. However, the fractional regime is rife with experimental complications, such as an anomalous tunneling density of states, which impede the manipulation of anyons. Here we show experimentally that the canonical integer quantum Hall regime can provide a robust anyon platform. Exploiting the Coulomb interaction between two copropagating quantum Hall channels, an electron injected into one channel splits into two fractional charges behaving as abelian anyons. Their unconventional statistics is revealed by negative cross-correlations between dilute quasiparticle beams. Similarly to fractional quantum Hall observations, we show that the negative signal stems from a time-domain braiding process, here involving the incident fractional quasiparticles and spontaneously generated electron-hole pairs. Beyond the dilute limit, a theoretical understanding is achieved via the edge magnetoplasmon description of interacting integer quantum Hall channels. Our findings establish that, counter-intuitively, the integer quantum Hall regime provides a platform of choice for exploring and manipulating quasiparticles with fractional quantum statistics.

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