
The doubly charm tetraquark with flavor ccu[over ¯]d[over ¯] and isospin I=0 is investigated by calculating the DD^{*} scattering amplitude with lattice QCD. The simulation is done on CLS ensembles with dynamical u/d, s quarks and m_{π}≃280 MeV for two charm quark masses, one slightly larger and one slightly lower than the physical value. The scattering amplitudes for partial waves l=0, 1 are extracted near threshold via the Lüscher method by considering systems with total momenta PL/(2π)=0,1,sqrt[2],2 on two spatial volumes. A virtual bound state pole in the DD^{*} scattering amplitude with l=0 is found 9.9_{-7.1}^{+3.6} MeV below the DD^{*} threshold for the charm quark mass closer to the physical value. This pole is likely related to the doubly charm tetraquark discovered by LHCb less than 1MeV below the D^{0}D^{*+} threshold. Future lattice simulations closer to the continuum limit and physical quark masses would be valuable to establish this connection systematically.

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