
We previously showed that gp34 (OX40 ligand) expressed on vascular endothelial cells is not only involved in adhesion between activated T cells and endothelial cells but also by itself able to transmit intracellular signals leading to expression of c-fos and c-jun mRNA upon OX40 binding. In the present study, we searched for genes that were induced or upregulated by gp34 signaling in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to define its downstream biological events. HUVECs expressing high levels of gp34 were stimulated with recombinant soluble OX40 or mock control and subjected to analysis using cDNA expression arrays. We found that a CC chemokine RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted)/CCL5 is one of such inducible genes. Reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis showed that expression of RANTES mRNA was induced after incubation with soluble OX40 and this induction was inhibited by anti-gp34 mAb. We could detect expression of intracellular RANTES protein by flow cytometry in HUVECs stimulated with soluble OX40 as well as fixed OX40 transfectant cells but not those stimulated with mock supernatants or mock transfectant cells. Again, this induction of RANTES protein was inhibited by anti-gp34 mAb. These results clearly indicate that gp34 signaling induces expression of RANTES at both mRNA and protein levels in HUVECs and suggest a possible link between the OX40/gp34 system and RANTES during the process of T cell adhesion to endothelial cells and subsequent extravasation.

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