
Original objectives: The basic goal of the present project was to increase our understanding of the cellular mechanisms operating during the gravitropic response of cut flowers, for solving their bending problem without affecting flower quality. Thus, several elements operating at the 3 levels o the gravity-induced signal transduction pathway, were proposed to be examined in snapdragon stems according to the following research goals: 1) Signaling: characterize the signal transduction pathway leading to the gravitropic response, regarding the involvement of [Ca2+]cyt as a mediator of IAA movement and sensitivity to auxin. 2) Transduction by plant hormones: a) Examine the involvement of auxin in the gravitropic response of flower stems with regard to: possible participation of auxin binding protein (ABP), auxin redistribution, auxin mechanism of action (activation of H+-ATPase) mediation by changes in [Ca2+]cyt and possible regulation of auxin-induced Ca2+ action b: calmodulin-activated or Ca2+-activated protein kinases (PK). b) Examine the involvement of ethylene in the gravitropic response of flower stems with regard to auxin-induced ethylene production and sensitivity of the tissue to ethylene. 3) Response: examine the effect of gravistimulation on invertase (associated with growth and elongation) activity and invertase gene expression. 4) Commercial practice: develop practical and simple treatments to prevent bending of cut flowers grown for export. Revisions: 1) Model systems: in addition to snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.), 3 other model shoe systems, consisting of oat (Avena sativa) pulvini, Ornithogalun 'Nova' cut flowers and Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence, were targeted to confirm a more general mechanism for shoot gravitropism. 2 Research topics: the involvement of ABP, auxin action, PK and invertase in the gravitropic response of snapdragon stems could not be demonstrated. Alternatively, the involvement in the gravity signaling cascade of several other physiological mediators apart of [Ca2+]cyt such as: IP3, protein phosphorylation and actin cytoskeleton, was shown. Additional topics introduced: starch statolith reorientation, differential expression of early auxin responsive genes, and differential shoot growth. Background to the topic: The gravitropic bending response of flowering shoots occurring upon their horizontal placement during shipment exhibits a major horticultural problem. In spite of extensive studies in various aboveground organs, the gravitropic response was hardly investigated in flowering shoots. Being a complex multistep process that requires the participation of various cellular components acting in succession or in parallel, analysis of the negative gravitropic response of shoot includes investigation of signal transduction elements and various regulatory physiological mediators. Major achievements: 1) A correlative role for starch statoliths as gravireceptors in flowering shoot was initially established. 2) Differentially phosphorylated proteins and IP3 levels across the oat shoe pulvini, as well as a differential appearance of 2 early auxin-responsive genes in snapdragon stems were all detected within 5-30 minutes following gravistimulation. 3) Unlike in roots, involvement of actin cytoskeleton in early events of the gravitropic response of snapdragon shoots was established. 4) An asymmetric IAA distribution, followed by an asymmetric ethylene production across snapdragon stems was found following gravistimulation. 5) The gravity-induced differential growth in shoots of snapdragon was derived from initial shrinkage of the upper stem side and a subsequent elongation o the lower stem side. 6) Shoot bending could be successfully inhibited by Ca2+ antagonists (that serve as a basis for practical treatments), kinase and phosphatase inhibitors and actin-cytoskeleton modulators. All these agents did not affect vertical growth. The essential characterization of these key events and their sequence led us to the conclusion that blocking gravity perception may be the most powerful means to inhibit bending without hampering shoot and flower growth after harvest. Implications, scientific and agriculture: The innovative results of this project have provided some new insight in the basic understanding of gravitropism in flower stalks, that partially filled the gap in our knowledge, and established useful means for its control. Additionally, our analysis has advanced the understanding of important and fundamental physiological processes involved, thereby leading to new ideas for agriculture. Gravitropism has an important impact on agriculture, particularly for controlling the bending of various important agricultural products with economic value. So far, no safe control of the undesired bending problem of flower stalks has been established. Our results show for the first time that shoot bending of cut flowers can be inhibited without adverse effects by controlling the gravity perception step with Ca2+ antagonists and cytoskeleton modulators. Such a practical benefit resulting from this project is of great economic value for the floriculture industry.

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