
Abstract Vision begins in highly specialized light-sensing neurons, the rod and cone photoreceptors. Their task is to absorb photons, transduce the physical stimulus into neuronal sig­nals, transmit the signals to the parallel signal processing pathways of the subsequent reti­nal network with the highest possible fidelity and continuously adapt to changes in stim­ulus intensities. If you imagine a pitch-black night with only a few photons hitting the ret­ina and being absorbed by the photoreceptors and a bright sunny day with the photore­ceptors being bombarded by billions of photons, you realize that a photoreceptor faces two fundamental challenges: it has to detect the light signal with the greatest sensitivity, e.g. a single photon leads to a change in the membrane potential of a rod photoreceptor and, at the same time, encode light intensities covering a broad dynamic range of sev­eral orders of magnitude. To fulfill these demands, photoreceptors have developed separate, structurally and functionally specialized compartments, which are the topic of this article: the outer segment for signal transduc­tion and the terminal with its highly complex ribbon synapse for signal transmission.

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