
Rhizobium, Azorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium species infect leguminous plants and induce root organogenesis resulting in a nodule in which the symbionts reside. Legume nodules can be classified into 2 types based on their ontogeny; that is, indeterminate (e.g., alfalfa) and determinate (e.g., soybean). Indeterminate nodules develop from initial divisions of inner cortical root cells and have a persistent meristem. Determinate nodules form from the initial division of sub-epidermal cortical cells and meristematic activity is limited only to the early stages of nodule development. Since the ontogeny of determinate and indeterminate nodules differs significantly, it can be expected that the signal pathways involved in these two systems likely also differ.KeywordsBacterial InoculationInfection ThreadVaccenic AcidSoybean NodulationIndeterminate NoduleThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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