
The first part of this paper presents several experiments on signal detection in temporally modulated noise, yielding a general approach toward the concept of comodulation masking release (CMR). Measurements were made on masked thresholds of both long- and short-duration, narrow-band signals presented in a 100% sinusoidally amplitude-modulated (SAM) noise masker (modulation frequency 32 Hz), as a function of masker bandwidth from 1/3 oct up to 13/3 octs, while the masker band was geometrically centered at signal frequency. With the short-duration signals placed in the valley of the masker, a substantial CMR (i.e., a decrease of masked threshold with increasing masker bandwidth) was found, whereas for the long-duration signals CMR was smaller. Furthermore, investigations were carried out to determine whether CMR changes when the bandwidth of the signals, consisting of bandpass impulse responses, is increased. The data indicate that substantial CMR remains even when all masker bands contain a signal component, thus minimizing across-channel differences. This finding is not in line with current models accounting for the CMR phenomenon. The second part of this paper concerns signal detection in spectrally shaped noise. Also investigated was whether release from masking occurs for the detection of a pure-tone signal at a valley or a peak of a simultaneously presented masking noise with a sinusoidally rippled power spectrum, when this masker was preceded and followed by a second noise (temporal flanking burst) with an identical spectral shape as the on-signal noise. Similar to CMR effects for temporal modulations, the data indicate that coshaping masking release (CSMR) occurs when the signal is placed in a valley of the spectral envelope of the masker, whereas no release from masking is found when the signal is placed at a peak of the spectral envelope of the masker. The implications of these experiments for measures of spectral and temporal resolution are discussed.

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