
Sign Language is mainly used by deaf (hard hearing) and dumb people to exchange information One of the important problems that our society faces is that people with disabilities are finding it hard to cope up with the fast-growing technology. The access to communication technologies has become essential for the handicapped people. Generally deaf and dumb people use sign language for communication but they find difficulty in communicating with others who don’t understand sign language. Sign language is an expressive and natural way for communication between normal and dumb people (information majorly conveyed through the hand gesture). So, we need a translator to understand what they speak and communicate with us. The sign language translation system translates the normal sign language to speech and hence makes the communication between normal person and dumb people easier. So, the whole idea is to build a communication system that enables communications between speech-hearing impaired and a normal person. Key Word: Foundation, Communication, ENT, hearing, hearing impairment, hearing difficulties.

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