
The dm5.3 major-effect QTL in cucumber encodes a homolog of Arabidopsis sigma factor binding protein 1 (CsSIB1). CsSIB1 positively regulates defense responses against downy mildew in cucumber through the salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis/signaling pathway. Downy mildew (DM) caused by the oomycete pathogen Pseudoperonospora cubensis is an important disease of cucumber and other cucurbits. Our knowledge on molecular mechanisms of DM resistance is still limited. In this study, we reported identification and functional characterization of the candidate gene for the major-effect QTL, dm5.3 for DM resistance originated from PI 197088. The dm5.3 QTL was Modelized through marker-assisted development of near isogenic lines (NILs). NIL-derived segregating populations were used for fine mapping which narrowed the dm5.3 locus down to a 144kb region. Based on multiple lines of evidence, we show that CsSIB1 (CsGy5G027140) that encodes the VQ motif-containing sigma factor binding protein 1 as the most likely candidate for dm5.3. Local association analysis identified a haplotype consisting of 7 SNPs inside the coding and promoter region of CsSIB1 that was associated with DM resistance. Expression of CsSIB1 was up-regulated with P. cubensis infection. Transcriptome profiling of NILs in response to P. cubensis inoculation revealed key players and associated gene networks in which increased expression of CsSIB1 antagonistically promoted salicylic acid (SA) but suppressed jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis/signaling pathways. Our work provides novel insights into the function of CsSIB1/dm5.3 as a disease resistance (R) gene. The roles of sigma factor binding protein genes in pathogen defense in cucumber were also discussed.

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