
This research aimed to determine the physical properties and advantages of cement boards made from sago stem bark waste based on the test results of several parameters, according to JIS A 5908 (2003) standard. The results show that the physical properties of cement board from sago stem bark waste with the addition of the CaCl2 catalyst were good with the average value of cement board density ranged from 1.19-1.26 gr/cm³, water content 7,67-8,02%, water absorption after immersion 2 hours 6,03-7.65% and after 24-hour immersion 11,62-12,91%, respectively. The averages swelling value of board thickness after immersion 2 hours 1.62-12,91% and after immersion 24 hours 1.40-3.41%. Furthermore, sago bark waste in various positions of the tree trunk (tree base, middle, and top) can be utilized to manufacture the cement board. However, the board made from sago stem bark waste at the ground with the addition of a catalyst CaCl2 6% has the best physical properties and meets JIS A 5908 (2003) standard. Cement boards from sago stem bark waste have an excellent waterproof capability and can be used as outdoor materials.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisis dan keunggulan papan semen yang terbuat dari limbah kulit batang sagu berdasarkan hasil pengujian beberapa parameter sesuai standar JIS A 5908 (2003)

  • The results show that the physical properties of cement board from sago stem bark waste with the addition of the CaCl2 catalyst were good with the average value of cement board density ranged from 1.19-1.26 gr/cm3, water content 7,67-8,02%, water absorption after immersion 2 hours 6,03-7.65% and after 24-hour immersion 11,62-12,91%, respectively

  • Proceedings The Fourth Rim BioBased Composites Symposium, Bogor, 2-5 November 1998

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Alat, Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah limbah kulit batang sagu (Metroxylon Sp.). Proses pembuatan papan semen dimulai dengan persiapan bahan baku dimana bahan baku limbah kulit batang sagu (wa’a) dimasukkan ke mesin penggiling (disk mill) untuk dibuat menjadi partikel dan kemudian diayak untuk mendapat ukuran partikel 3 - 5 mm. Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan lembaran adonan (mat) melalui pencampuran antara semen, kulit batang sagu, dan air serta katalis, (dengan perbandingan semen : partikel : air sebesar 2,5 : 1 : 1,25); kemudian dicetak di atas plat besi berukuran 40 cm x 40 cm x 1,2 cm. Pengujian sifat fisis papan semen mengikuti standar JIS A-5908 (2003) yang meliputi : kerapatan, kadar air, daya serap air, dan pengembangan tebal. Pola pemotongan contoh uji seperti pada Gambar 2. Contoh uji daya serap air dan pengembangan tebal berukuran 5 cm x 5 cm. Pola Pemotongan Contoh Uji Papan Semen Menurut JIS A-5908 (2003)

Kerapatan Papan Semen
Tipe Papan Semen
Kadar Air Papan Semen
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