
Damage induces remote occlusion of sieve tubes in Vicia faba by forisome dispersion, triggered during the passage of an electropotential wave (EPW). This study addresses the role of Ca2+ channels and cytosolic Ca2+ elevation as a link between EPWs and forisome dispersion. Ca2+ channel antagonists affect the initial phase of the EPW as well as the prolonged plateau phase. Resting levels of sieve tube Ca2+ of approximately 50 nM were independently estimated using Ca2+-selective electrodes and a Ca2+-sensitive dye. Transient changes in cytosolic Ca2+ were observed in phloem tissue in response to remote stimuli and showed profiles similar to those of EPWs. The measured elevation of Ca2+ in sieve tubes was below the threshold necessary for forisome dispersion. Therefore, forisomes need to be associated with Ca2+ release sites. We found an association between forisomes and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) at sieve plates and pore-plasmodesma units where high-affinity binding of a fluorescent Ca2+ channel blocker mapped an increased density of Ca2+ channels. In conclusion, propagation of EPWs in response to remote stimuli is linked to forisome dispersion through transiently high levels of parietal Ca2+, release of which depends on both plasma membrane and ER Ca2+ channels.

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