
In the present article the author discusses seven religious songs by the little-known Polish composer, Otton Mieczysław Żukowski (1867˗1942). The songs are: Ojcze nasz (Our Father) op. 47, Panie do Ciebie wołam (Lord, unto Thee I cry), Twych Panie łask (Your mercies, o Lord), Gdy boleść wstrząsa (When sorrow strikes), Panie miłosierny (Merciful Lord), Do Boga (To God) and Wierzymy Panie (Lord, we believe). The songs’ semantic meaning conveys the basic and most essential truths of the Catholic faith. Thereby, they formed the awareness of the listeners and became a catechesis to be sung. The discussed songs have also a strong patriotic and national emphasis as they were created in the time of Poland’s partition and non-existence in Europe. The songs are evidence that God may be involved in the history of a nation and change its difficult position. In terms of musical layer the songs are characterized by a cantilena melodic line and tonal harmony.

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