
Skin disorder constitutes one of the largest groups of health problems in general practice. Good skin is an integral part of health. In Ayurveda, all skin diseases are explained under a single heading of Kushta. Sidhma Kushta is an Oupasargikaroga. All Kushta is due to aggravation of Tridosas. These aggravated Dosha vitiates Dushyas like Twak, Raktha, Mamsa and Ambu by circulating in them and produce Vaivarnya.1According to Susrutha, whenever the aggravated Doshas get stagnated, Mandalas appear at that site.2 Kushta are innumerable in number based on the permutation and combination of Doshas and Dushyas, but mainly they are divided into seven Maha Kushta and eleven Kshudra Kushta. Sidhma is a variety of Kushtaroga according to all the authors of Brihathrayi and Laghutrayi. However, Charaka classified it under Maha Kushta and other Acharyas like Susrutha and Vagbhata brought it under Kshudra Kushta. By Dalhana's commentary it can be understood that Sidhma is of two types, Sidhma Kushta and Pushpitha Sidhma.3 Symptoms of Tinea versicolor are similar to that of Lakshanas of Sidhma Kushta, Acharya Susrutha has said that Krimi is also one of the cause for Kushta and Tinea versicolor is a superficial mycoses caused by a fungi called Malassezia furfur. Understanding of Lakshanas and Samprapti plays an important role in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the disease. So, an attempt is made to analyse and understand the concept of Sidhma Kushta.

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