
The aim of this study was to evaluate the type, incidence and duration of postprocedure side-effects in 168 children within the first 72 h after inhalational anaesthesia for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Premedication and induction followed standardized routines. Maintenance of anaesthesia was performed with inhalational anaesthetics solely: isoflurane (n=60 of 112; 53%), sevoflurane (n=32 of 112; 29%), desflurane (n=12 of 112; 11%) or halothane (n= 8 of 112; 7%) using a strapped on face mask (FiO2=0.4; flow 5 l.min-1). When indicated, gadolinium was administered (n=45; OF 112; 40%). One hundred and twelve of 168 parents (67%) responded to questionnaires. In these 112 children, pathological MR findings were found supratentorially (n=31; 28%), infratentorially (n=9; 8%), extracerebrally (n=12; 11%) or combined (n=9; 8%). In 56 of these 112 children (50%), 14 different side-effects were reported. One hour after anaesthesia, 55 children suffered between one and four side-effects. Neurological side-effects were associated with age > or = 5 years (P < 0.01) or infratentorial pathophysiology (P < 0.01) and abdominal side-effects (P < 0.02), especially nausea (P < 0.001) with age > or = 5 years. Our findings indicate the need to inform parents of the incidence and variability of side-effects after inhalational anaesthesia for minimally invasive, diagnostic procedures, such as MRI.

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