
The most important side effects of oral contraceptives (OCs) and their incidence together with advice and monitoring of the patient at risk are pointed out. There is a mild increase in blood pressure in longterm contraceptive use caused by increased angiotensinogen production by the liver. It is significant only for women with a history of familial hypertension diabetes mellitus or pre-eclampsia. Smoking increases this risk. Urinary tract infections are 25-50% more frequent in pill users. Glucose tolerance is slightly decreased. Contraceptives diabetogenic effect is higher in women with hereditary tendency for diabetes latent diabetes and/or obesity. They are contraindicated in latent diabetes. Findings are contradictory in their effects on cholesterol and triglyceride serum level but the pill is contraindicated in lipid metabolism disorders. There is an increased incidence in cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in pill-users (70-80 additional cases/100000 user years). Liver diseases intrahepatic cholestasis occur rarely and benign liver tumors have not conclusively been proved to be caused by the pill. A variety of laboratory findings have been related to contraceptive use and drug interactions occur with barbiturates rifampicin hydantoin and phenylbutazone. Blood coagulation is increased partially by increased production of various blood coagulation factors; but more importantly by a decreased synthesis of antithrombin III a natural protective mechanism against intravascular coagulation. This increases thrombosis risk. Risk doubles with simultaneous cigarette smoking. Various epidemiological studies indicate a 5-10 fold increase in thromboembolism and thrombophlebitis deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. There is a correlation between contraceptive use and cerebrovascular disorders and myocardial infarction. This risk increases with age and years of pill use. The pill is contraindicated with symptoms of thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism sickle cell anemia proposed surgery and longterm immobilization. Overall risk factors are not too high. Recommendations for rational pill use related to age are given and further contraindications are mentioned.

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