
Compression stockings play an important role in the management of venous disease, venous ulcers, and preventing thromboembolic disease of the deep venous system in the legs1. Most patients admitted to hospital are automatically at a higher risk of developing thromboembolic disease and should therefore receive appropriate prophylaxis2. Although the application of compression stockings can appear simple, it must be remembered that inappropriately worn stockings have the potential to cause significant problems. Unevenly distributed and excess pressure may break the skin, especially in older, malnourished patients and those with thin, brittle skin. Here we present the case of an older male who was referred to a local plastic surgery service for the management of a pressure sore on the anterior aspect of his left lower leg as result of compression stocking application for the treatment of venous ulcer disease. Although an extreme case, it highlights the importance of careful assessment, application, and monitoring of compression stockings. The patient is an 76-year-old male who lives alone in sheltered accommodation and mobilises with the aid of a zimmer frame. His past medical history includes type II diabetes and venous disease. He was initially referred to the vascular surgeons in …

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