
Implantation of polymeric heart valves can solve the problems of existing valve substitutes – mechanical and biological. Objective: to comprehensively assess the hemocompatibility of styrene-isobutylene-styrene (SIBS) triblock copolymer, synthesized by controlled cationic polymerization in comparison with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) used in clinical practice. Materials and methods. SIBS-based films were made by polymer solution casting method; in vitro biocompatibility assessment was performed using cell cultures, determining cell viability, cell adhesion and proliferation; tendency of materials to calcify was determined through in vitro accelerated calcification; in vivo biocompatibility assessment was performed by subcutaneous implantation of rat samples; hemocompatibility was determined ex vivo by assessing the degree of hemolysis, aggregation, and platelet adhesion. Results. The molecular weight of synthesized polymer was 33,000 g/mol with a polydispersity index of 1.3. When studying cell adhesion, no significant differences (p = 0.20) between the properties of the SIBS polymer (588 cells/mm2) and the properties of culture plastics (732 cells/mm2) were discovered. Cell adhesion for the ePTFE material was 212 cells/mm2. Percentage of dead cells on SIBS and ePTFE samples was 4.40 and 4.72% (p = 0.93), respectively, for culture plastic – 1.16% (p < 0.05). Cell proliferation on the ePTFE surface (0.10%) was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than for the same parameters for SIBS and culture plastic (62.04 and 44.00%). Implantation results (60 days) showed the formation of fibrous capsules with average thicknesses of 42 μm (ePTFE) and 58 μm (SIBS). Calcium content in the explanted samples was 0.39 mg/g (SIBS), 1.25 mg/g (ePTFE) and 93.79 mg/g (GA-xenopericardium) (p < 0.05). Hemolysis level of red blood cells after contact with SIBS was 0.35%, ePTFE – 0.40%, which is below positive control (p < 0.05). Maximum platelet aggregation of intact platelet-rich blood plasma was 8.60%, in contact with SIBS polymer – 18.11%, with ePTFE – 22.74%. Conclusion. In terms of hemocompatibility properties, the investigated SIBS polymer is not inferior to ePTFE and can be used as a basis for development of polymeric prosthetic heart valves.


  • The use of SIBS triblock copolymers in cardiac surgery: in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison with ePTFE

  • Prosthetics of heart valves by polymer has the potential to solve the problems of existing valve device – mechanical and biological

  • Aim: to investigate of styrene-isobutylene triblock copolymer (SIBS) biocompatibility synthesized by the controlled cation polymerization method in comparison with the polytetrafluoroethylene used in clinical practice

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Перспективы использования триблок-сополимеров SIBS в кардиохирургии: in vitro и in vivo исследование в сравнении с ePTFE. Целью настоящей работы является комплексная оценка свойств гемосовместимости полимерных материалов на основе синтезированного методом контролируемой катионной полимеризации триблок-сополимера стирола и изобутилена (SIBS) в сравнении с использующимся в клинической практике политетрафторэтиленом (ePTFE). При этом низкие физико-механические характеристики чистого SIBS30, а также экспериментальные данные о процессах тромбообразования [18] потребовали поиска новых модификаций триблок-сополимера с целью разработки на его основе протеза клапана сердца лепесткового типа, в частности, поверхностного модифицирования и создания композитов с армирующими сетями из более прочных полимеров [19, 20]. Комплексный подход к оценке свойств гемосовместимости представленных полимерных материалов на основе SIBS применяется впервые и особенно важен для адекватного прогнозирования потенциала использования исследуемых полимеров в клапанных конструкциях

Синтез полимера группы SIBS
Изготовление полимерных пленок
Оценка цитотоксичности in vitro с использованием клеточных культур
Определение кальцификации in vitro
Ответная реакция ткани
Кальцификация in vivo
Степень гемолиза
Агрегация тромбоцитов
Адгезия тромбоцитов
The platelet activation levels
Статистическая обработка
Синтез полимера SIBS
Оценка биосовместимости in vivo Ответная реакция ткани
Обсуждение результатов
PE а
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