
The reports under the above give routine Spectrochemical analysis of titanium tetrachloride and titanium sponge, which are raw materials, intermediate materials and final products in titanium refining industry. The spectrochemical method described in our 1st report can be applied to crude and distilled pure titanium tetrachloride, if the impurities are present in the contents of more than 0.001% of Si and 0.008%V. The titanium tetrachloride sample is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric cid (2.5 cc TiCl4/10 cc HCl(1:1)) using an injection syringe. The optimum analytical conditions and line pairs was studied by duplicated 5×5 super-graeco-latin square experimental designation. The determination of impurities in sample solution is completed with the following steps; (1) Loading of the solution (approx.0.4 cc) on the pointed carbon electrode, (2) Volatalizing and exciting by direct current arc (200 V, 12 A) (3) Recording of the resulting spectra on a photographic plate and (4) Calculation of the percent of impurity elements in the sample solutoin by conventional relative intensity method. The analytical precision of this method is about 9% in terms of variation coeffecient, using the next line pairs; Si 2516.12 Å-Ti 2832.16 Å and V 3092.72 Å-Ti 2641.1 Å. The analytical range and precision can be extended by triplicate analysis to 0.0005% of Si and 0.003% of V in titanium tetrachloride.

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