
The present study assesses the relationship between the shyness and face book addiction among college students studying in Mysuru city. Shyness Assessment Test (D’Souza, 2006) and Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS, 2012 were administered to a sample of 120 college students. Shyness of students was measured in 3 domains and face book addiction in 6 elements domains. Data were subjected to product moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression to find out the relationship between shyness and face book addiction, including the domains of shyness which predict face book addiction. Also gender comparisons were tested through Independent samples ‘t’ tests. Results revealed that most of the elements of face book addiction including total face book addiction scores correlated positively and significantly with all the domains of shyness and total shyness scores. Only cognitive/affective domain of shyness, best predicted the face book addiction to the extent of 10.5%. Male students had higher addiction in tolerance, relapse, withdrawal elements of face book addiction including total addiction than female students.

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