
Shyness and loneliness both are very common in human being. Loneliness is often associated with a variety of personality characteristics which interfere with the formation of interpersonal relationship. In many studies it is found that shyness and loneliness are interrelated with each other. The present study was conducted on college students. The sample size consists of 60 college students (30 boys and 30 girls) of Ranchi city. The sample was selected by stratified random sampling. Objectives: To know the prevalence of shyness among the sample groups; to know the prevalence of loneliness among sample groups; to find the interrelationship between shyness and loneliness. Hypothesis: The prevalence of shyness will be vary among sample groups; the prevalence of loneliness will be vary among sample groups; There will be positive interrelationship between shyness and loneliness. Methodology: The sample was selected by stratified random sampling. Cheek and Buss (1981) Shyness scale and David Resell’s (1996) loneliness scale were used for data collection. The data were statistically analyzed using percentage analyses, Means, SD, t-test and Pearson ‘r’. Conclusion: According to research finding prevalence of shyness is high among students as compare to loneliness. Prevalence of shyness is same among boys and girls, but loneliness is slightly high among girls as compare to boys. It is found by the present study that there is no relationship between shyness and loneliness among college students of Ranchi city.

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