
The paper is entirely dedicated to the way of looking at concepts of God, religion and death in essays and novels of Argentine writer Ernesto Sabato. The intention is to present the manner in which the relationship with God can be defined both in the Sabato's biography and in his essays and novels. In the introduction are stated the basic biographical data with a focus on two events that marked the last decades of Sabato's life. In the paper are also discussed the issues of Sabato's consideration of God, religion and death and the possibility of Sabato's declaring in a religious sense. In the central part, the research of the Sabato's relationship towards mentioned concepts was carried out on examples of collection of the essays "One and the Universe ", the essays "Before the End" and "The Resistance", and novels "The Tunnel" and "on Heroes and Tombs ". It is concluded that Sabato's relationship with God changed in different periods of life and from work to work, depending on life circumstances in which he lived and worked.


  • The paper is entirely dedicated to the way of looking at concepts of God, religion and death in essays and novels of Argentine writer Ernesto Sabato

  • The intention is to present the manner in which the relationship with God can be defined both in the Sabato’s biography and in his essays and novels

  • Ернесто Сабато није, како је и сам очекивао, издахнуо непосредно након писања есеја Пре краја и Отпор, већ деценију касније, 2011

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У раду се настоји указати на који се начин однос према Богу може дефинисати, како на основу Сабатове биографије, тако и на основу његових есеја и романа. У централном дијелу рада покушаћемо да сагледамо Сабатово схватање Бога, религије и смрти на примјеру збирке есеја Појединац и Универзум, есеја Пре краја и Отпор, затим у романима Тунел (1948) и О јунацима и гробовима (1961).

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