
The advancements made in technology of robotics have made the existence of humankind simpler and comfortable. This work aims at developing a robot for waste collection, segregation and floor cleaning for domestic purpose. The robot expedites and eases the floor cleaning process by employing wire- less technologies. Robot movement is controlled by the end-user through an Android application. The Shuchi 1.0 model can also be configured to work in the semi-autonomous mode, requiring minimum intervention from the end-user. The system is fitted with sensors to detect the obstacles then changes the course of its path, mounted with a camera and LCD screen to ensure its effective work- ing. It is also equipped with an automatic waste segregator, which overcomes the need for manual segregation, thus having a positive impact on health and the environment. With these Shuchi 1.0 working features, it seeks to realize the goal of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by capitalizing on the technologies of IoT and Robotics.

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