
We have studied the response of a layered conductor with a quasi-two-dimensional electron spectrum and a multisheet Fermi surface (FS) formed by two weakly corrugated cylinders and two planar sheets adjoining these cylinders to nonuniform heating. As a result of action of pressure on the conductor or its doping with impurity atoms, distance Δp between the FS cylinder and planar sheets can be reduced to such an extent that conduction electrons begin roaming over these sheets, tunneling from one FS sheet (cavity) to the other. If a conduction electron can visit several times all FS sheets during its mean free time, its motion in the plane orthogonal to the magnetic field becomes finite. In this case, Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations are excited with a period determined by the closed area circumscribed by the electron during its motion in the magnetic-breakdown trajectory in the momentum space. We have calculated the dependence of the thermoelectric field on the magnitude and orientation of a quite strong quantizing magnetic field. In a magnetic field normal to the layers, the cross sections of the cylindrical part of the FS are equidistant from both FS planar sheets. However, this equidistance is violated even for a small deviation of the field from the normal to the layers by angle ϑ, and, at a certain value ϑk of this angle, the probability of magnetic breakdown to one of the FS planar sheets can be so low that the electron cannot close the magnetic-breakdown trajectory, and its motion over the other planar sheet with a visit to the FS cylindrical part becomes infinite. In this case, the magnetic-breakdown quantum oscillations of magnetization and all kinetic characteristics of the conductor disappear, and their disappearance is repeated periodically with a change in the slope of the magnetic field to the layers as a function of tanϑ.

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