
The morphometrics and reproduction of shrews (Sorex araneus, S. minutus, S. alpinus) was studied in Slovakia. Significant differences in weight, body length and tail length were recorded in adult and subadult shrews. Adult individuals and males had higher mean somatometric values (apart from tail length of subadults). The hind foot length was the least variable characteristic, which can be considered as the most stable taxonomic somatic characteristic of shrews. Weight and body length varied considerably. Values of somatic characteristics in S. araneus and S. minutus increased with increasing altitude, apart from hind foot length in S. araneus, which decreased with increasing altitude. The values of somatic characteristics declined with increasing continentality, but tail length gradually increased in the direction west — east at the highland level. Sorex minutus was characterized by the greatest reproductive activity (length of reproductive cycle April–October, average number of embryos 6.97). The lowest reproductive activity was observed in S. alpinus (average number of embryos 5.72). The mating season of S. araneus began at the end of March and ended in August with an average number of embryos of 6.12.

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