
Concepts in glenoid tracking and treatment strategies of glenoid bone loss are well established. Initial observations in our practice in Singapore showed few patients with major bone loss requiring glenoid reconstructions. This led us to investigate the incidence of and the extent of bone loss in our patients with shoulder instability. Our study revealed bony Bankart lesions were seen in 46% of our patients but glenoid bone loss measured only 6–10% of the glenoid surface. In the same study we found that arthroscopic labral repair with capsular plication and Mason-Ellen suturing (Hybrid technique) was sufficient to stabilise patients with bipolar bone defects and minor glenoid bone loss. This led us to develop the concept of minor bone loss and a new algorithm.Our algorithm and strategies to deal with major bone loss will also be discussed, and techniques & outcomes of Arthroscopic Bony Bankart repair, Arthroscopic Glenoid Reconstruction and Arthroscopic Remplissage procedures will be shown.

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