
I got the opportunity to pursue a fellow-ship in South Korea by my guide andteacher Dr Ashok Rajgopal, a leadingJoint replacement and arthroscopic sur-geon working with Fortis group of hospi-tals, New Delhi, India. When I receivedmy invitation letter from Prof. In-HoJeon, a prominent upper extremity sur-geon working at Kyungpook national uni-versity, Daegu Korea, I started a voyagetowards some thing new and exiting.My fellowship started on 15th of Febru-ary 2007 and was stationed at Kyungpooknational university, Daegu, South Koreaunder supervision and guidance of Prof.In Ho Jeon. My arrival at Daegu concidedwith the start of Chinese New Year’sDay. Daegu is the third largest metropoli-tan city of South Korea geographicallylocated in the southeastern part of Korea.Daegu is also known as the city of hopeand colors. It is an educational and cul-tural city with historical links to the glo-rious Shilla culture and spirit of ChosunConfucianism. Kyungpook National uni-versity hospital is situated at the heart ofthe city and caters to a population of 2.5million. The motto of the hospital is veryinspiring that is of Truth, Pride and Ser-vice (진리, 긍지, 봉사).During the tenure of three months, Iactively participated in academic and clin-ical work. On a usual day my dailyschedule started at 7 am with morningconference, which included case presenta-tions by the residents. After few days ofacclimatization of the surroundings I wasgiven opportunity to join the surgeries.First MonthMy first surgery with Prof Jeon wasMumford procedure (arthroscopic distalclavicular resection) along with rotatorcuff repair on 23 rd Feb. He during thesurgery explained me the basics shoulderarthroscopy. Portal placements, diagnosticwork up (10 glenohumeral and five sub-acromial points), distal clavicular resectionwith rotator cuff repair was duelyexplained to me. The same very day Ijoined him for arthroscopic removal ofloose body from elbow joint and a radialshortening operation for Kienbock’s dis-ease after assessing cartilage status withwrist arthroscopy.Next day on 24 th of Feb., we went toshoulder camp at Biseul mountains at a

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