
This study is aimed at studying foreign and domestic experience in terms of the UN reform process, which allows us to summarize the relevant material and achieve the objectives defined by the topic of this article. The aspect that the foundations of the modern crisis of the UN arose from the moment of signing its charter and this is due to the fact that the long and debatable process of agreeing on the main provisions of this document took place thanks to the concessions and compromises of the members of the organization, which laid the foundation for its further review.Aim. Offer recommendations on possible options for replacing or reforming the UN.Tasks. Consider models for overcoming the contradiction between national and supranational interests and the contradiction between the leading countries of the world, the developed countries of the North and the less developed countries of the South.Methods. To compare the integration practices of the EU and ASEAN, the method of comparative analysis, the dialectical method of research, as well as the systematic method of research are used. And also used methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, as well as analogy.Results. On the basis of the studied, recommendations for reforming the UN are given. Thus, attention should be paid to the experience of previous supranational organizations, as well as to the practice of dialogue mechanisms between the world’s leading players. At the same time, excessive pressure on countries should be stopped by interfering in their internal affairs, violating their sovereignty.Conclusions. The contradiction between national and supranational interests is the most profound problem in any integration association, including the UN. However, there is no universal method for resolving this problem, including in the conditions of a still unipolar world. The UN should combine in its practice the experience of the EU, ASEAN, SCO as a hard and soft approach to balancing national and supranational interests.

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