
Robotic surgery has been increasingly incorporated into the subspecialties of colorectal (CRS), minimally invasive/bariatric (MIS/Bar), and surgical oncology/hepatobiliary (SO/HPB) surgery, yet its impact on fellowship applicant evaluation and contribution to postresidency training remains undefined. The aim of our study was to evaluate how robotic training during General Surgery (GS) residency affects an applicant's competitiveness from the perspective of fellowship programs. A web-based survey was sent to all 235 accredited fellowship programs in CRS (n = 66), MIS/Bar (n = 122), and SO/HPB (n = 47) within the United States and Canada. Fellowship programs were queried on the import of robotic surgery training during GS residency and its impact on an applicant's match potential. Of 235 programs, 155 (66%) responded to the survey - 42 (63.6%) CRS, 87 (71.3%) MIS/Bar, and 26 (55.3%) SO/HPB. Of responding programs, 147 (94.8%) have a surgical robot at their institution, and 131 (84.5%) have fellows actively operating at the console. Overall, 107 (69%) fellowship program directors rated robotic training during surgery residency as "somewhat" or "very" important for residents seeking fellowship. While 95 (61.3%) programs said GS residents should not prioritize robotic training, 60 (38.7%) felt they should, and 38 (24.5%) were more likely to rank an applicant higher if they had some console exposure. Still, 69.7% (n = 108) of programs expect no robotic experience for incoming fellows. This study demonstrates that most fellowship programs have low expectations of robotic experience for incoming fellows. Still, it is notable that nearly a quarter of programs would rank an applicant more highly if they had robotic console exposure. While these findings appear reassuring to residents with limited access to robotic training, residency programs should be alerted to the growing importance of robotic exposure.

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