
This chapter considers the specificity of the chronotope of the medieval chivalric romance (to which one ascribe The Knight in the Panther's Skin ) written by the Georgian classic writer Shota Rustaveli, it is this genre that largely determines the artistic-aesthetic side of any such literary work. In these romances the concept of time is also differential, for in parallel to real time, the so-called time of adventure acts here, broken up into separate sections of time which, for their part, are used to develop concurrent and non-concurrent events and to link distant and nearby spaces. In author's view, the alternativeness, characteristic of liminality, is related to the specificity of the chronotope of the medieval chivalric romance and is revealed in binary opposition: on the one hand, one's own ordered space and the other's chaotic space, and, on the other hand, between the real time and the so-called adventure time. Keywords: liminality; medieval chivalric romance; Shota Rustaveli; The Knight in the Panther's Skin

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