
The aim of this study was to monitor serum leptin concentrations after altering the levels of testosterone, by intramuscular administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), in eugonadal men. A 7-daymonitoring of hCG, testosterone and leptin levels was performed after intramuscular administration of a dose of 5000 IU hCG in these men. Thirty fertile men aged 23-38 years were studied. In addition, 30women aged 18-34 years with normal ovulatory cycles were studied, to verify reports of sexual dimorphism in serum leptin levels. These 60 individuals were divided into four groups, according to their sexand body mass index (BMI) values. In men, blood samples were collected at 09.00, after an overnight fast, for the determination of hCG, testosterone and leptin levels, and, immediately thereafter, a doseof 5000 IU hCG was administered intramuscularly. Further blood samples were collected at 24-h intervals for a period of 7 days for determination of the same hormones. In women, blood samples were collectedonly once, at 09.00, after an overnight fast between the 3rd and the 6th day of the menstrual cycle, for determination of serum estradiol and leptin levels. Our results showed that the mean value of leptinin thin men and women was significantly lower than that in obese men and women, respectively. The mean value of leptin in thin women was significantly higher than that in obese men. Serum leptin concentrationsdecreased significantly, 168 h after short-term hCG administration. There was a significant positive correlation between BMI values and serum leptin concentrations, in both men and women. Our results supportthe view that hCG administration in eugonadal men does not influence serum leptin levels. Moreover, a short-term increase of serum testosterone levels, after one dose of hCG, is not sufficient to affectand modify leptin secretion mechanisms in vivo.

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