
SUMMARY. 1. A soft‐water stream iti upland Wales was dosed with sulphuric acid and aluminiutn sulphate at two successive points to create sitnultaneous episodes of low pH, and low pH with increased aluminiutn. Chemical atid biological responses were measured before, during and after the episode and were compared with a reference zone.2. The pH fell frotn ∼7.0 to 4.28 (±0.18 SD) and 5.02 (±0.10) respectively in the acid and aluminium zones. Corresponding aluminium concentrations during the episode were 0.052 g Al m−3 (±0.008) and 0.347 g Al nr3 (±0.047), the former not differing significantly from the reference zone. The concentration of cadmium rose to 0.002‐ 0.011 g Cd m−3in both treated areas, but the concentrations of other metals were unchanged.3. In situ toxicity tests were performed with macroinvertebrates and fish. Chironomus riparius. Hydropsyche angustipennis and Dinocras cephalotes suffered no mortality. Ecdyonurus venosus, Baetis rhodani and Gammarus pulex showed up to 25% mortality in both treatment zones and further mortalities occurred after the episode. Brown trout Salmo trutta and salmon Valmo salar s howed 7–10% mortality in the acid zone, but 50–87% in the aluminium zone, where salmon had a significantly shorter LT50than trout.4. The drift of Simuliidae increased during treatment in both acid and aluminium zones. Drift densities of Dixa puherula, Protonemura meyeri, Ephemeralla ignita and Dicranota sp. increased in the aluminium zone. The most pronounced response was by Baetis rhodani in the aluminium zone where drift density increased by ×8.4 during the episode.5. Baetis rhodani was the only taxon to show a significant decline in benthic density during the treatment, and then only in the aluminium zone. Drift could account for most of the losses.6. The depth distribution of invertebrates in the substratum differed between zones following treatment. More individuals were present at the surface of the reference zone (1287 m−2±747) than at the surface of the other zones (<400 m−2); however, densities at greater depths were similar. These patterns probably reflected differences prior to the treatments.

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