
Abstract Introduction: Myxofibrosarcoma is a rare subtype of soft tissue sarcoma with a locally infiltrative behavior and ability to determine distant metastases. Materials and methods: We presented two myxofibrosarcoma cases who benefited from segmental or radical resection. Management and outcome: In the case of the 80-year-old woman, with grade 3 myxofibrosarcoma, we practiced radical surgery with scapulohumeral disarticulation followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. The therapeutic option for the 77-year-old man with grade 2 myxofibrosarcoma was segmental resection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. After three months, the patient was in a good clinical condition with no sign of local recurrence, but with the presence of pulmonary metastases for the patient who benefited of segmental resection. Discussion: The radical resection had better short-term results, with no local or distant metastases at three months after surgery, although the tumor had a higher grade (G3), compared to segmental resection practiced for a lower grade tumor (G2), in which case the patient developed pulmonary metastasis at three months follow up. Conclusion: Myxofibrosarcoma represents a challenging situation regarding the management due to its unpredictive clinical course. Our cases raised the following question: should we consider treating it more aggressively in order to obtain good local control and reduce the risk of metastasis?

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