
High-resolution palaeoenvironmental changes, corresponding to a mean time interval of 450 years covering the last 48,000 years, were examined in a core from the Cretan Basin in the southern Aegean Sea. The intensity and duration of the climatic and oceanographic events were determined by examining the compositional changes in the planktonic foraminifera and pollen assemblages, along with the δ 18O signal of Globigerinoides ruber. A reconstruction of sea-surface temperatures was attempted using the Modern Analogue Technique (MAT). In total, 10 stadials and 6 interstadials occurred over the last 48,000 years. These fluctuations in climatic conditions coincide with fluctuations documented in the western and central Mediterranean and seem to be associated with Dansgaard–Oeschger events. Some of these climatic fluctuations are correlated with changes in the vegetation in the surrounding land. Between 48 and 10 cal kyr BP the most pronounced stadials occurred at 41 cal kyr BP (C69-ST10) and at 13 cal kyr BP (C69-ST4). These events are characterized by: (i) high positive δ 18O values of Globigerinoides ruber, (ii) drops in SST and (iii) increases in aridity. These events may be correlated with the Heinrich H4 event and the Younger Dryas event, respectively. Two other stadials at 23 cal kyr BP (C69-ST6) and at 16 cal kyr BP (C69-ST5) which are characterized by increases in the abundance of the cold plaktonic foraminifera species and increases in aridity may be correlated with the H2 and H1 events, respectively. The dominant planktonic foraminiferal species during the stadials witch are correlated with the Heinrich events were Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globorotalia scitula. The most pronounced interstadials occurred between 39.5 and 38.5 cal kyr BP (C69-IST6) and between 25 and 24 cal kyr BP (C69-IST3) and are characterized by depletion in δ 18O values, increases in SST and increases in humidity. The former event coincides with the formation of the sapropelitic layer S2. In the Holocene the most pronounced stadial occurred between 8 and 6.5 cal kyr BP (C69-ST2), during the interruption of S1 and is characterized by a reduction in SST and an increase in aridity. The most pronounced interstadials of Holocene occurred during the formation of S1a and S1b between 9 and 8 cal kyr BP (C69-IST1) and between 6.5 and 5.5 cal kyr BP (C69-IST2), respectively. These events are characterized by depletion in δ 18O values, increased SST and an increase in humidity as is indicated by the expansion of temperate evergreen and Mediterranean taxa in the pollen record.

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