
Shortness of breath and cough are common, disturbing symptoms in patients receiving palliative care. They arise in 10% to 70% of patients with advanced cancer and in 60% to nearly 100% of patients with non-malignant underlying diseases, depending on the type of disease. This review is based on a selective literature search in the Medline, Embase, and PsycInfo databases and on current recommendations from Germany and other countries, as well as on the authors' personal experience. Some general measures to address these problems are reassurance, development of an emergency plan, physical activity, and relaxation exercises. Supportive non-pharmacological measures may include the use of a rollator (level of evidence [LoE] 1-), a cool draft of air as from a handheld fan (LoE 1-), physiotherapy, and respiratory therapy. There is good evidence (LoE 1+) to support the administration of opioids as the medications of choice; benzodiazepines are often used, but a meta-analysis did not reveal any statistically significant benefit (LoE 1+). Expectorants can help patients who cough with marked sputum formation. Antitussants suppress the cough reflex both peripherally and centrally (LoE 1+ to 3). Opioids, including morphine (LoE 1-) and dextromethorphan (LoE 1-), are effective antitussants with low toxicity. In most patients, shortness of breath and cough can be relieved by a series of therapeutic measures.

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