
Long-duration energy storage (LDES) is critical to a stable, resilient, and decarbonized electric grid. While batteries are emerging as important LDES devices, extended, high-power discharges necessary for cost-competitive LDES present new materials challenges. Focusing on a new generation of low-temperature molten sodium batteries, we explore here unique phenomena related to long-duration discharge through a well-known solid electrolyte, NaSICON. Specifically, molten sodium symmetric cells at 110 °C were cycled at 0.1 A cm−2 for 1–23 h discharges. Longer discharges led to unstable overpotentials, reduced resistances, and decreased electrolyte strength, caused by massive sodium penetration not observed in shorter duration discharges. Scanning electron microscopy informed mechanisms of sodium penetration and even “healing” during shorter-duration cycling. Importantly, these findings show that traditional, low-capacity, shorter-duration tests may not sufficiently inform fundamental materials phenomena that will impact LDES battery performance. This case highlights the importance that candidate LDES batteries be tested under pertinent long-duration conditions.

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