
The shortest path problem (SPP) constitutes one of the most frequently encountered classes of problems in graph theory. It is certainly the most fundamental of components in the fields of transportation and communication networks. Shortest path problems may be encountered directly, possibly as a result of a clever formulation of a problem not at first sight involving shortest paths, or indirectly as a subproblem in the solution of a more complicated optimization problem. This use of shortest path problems as subroutines motivates the search for algorithms with good theoretical bounds on running time. We also seek computer implementations whose empirical performances are rapid in spite of perhaps weak theoretical bounds for the algorithms they implement. As testimony to the importance of shortest path and related problems, a large number of surveys, annotated bibliographies, and reviews have appeared over the past thirty years. Among them are those by Dreyfus (1969), Pierce (1975), Golden and Magnanti (1977), and Gallo and Pallottino (1988).

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