
Given two locations s and t in a road network, a distance query returns the minimum network distance from s to t, while a shortest path query computes the actual route that achieves the minimum distance. These two types of queries find important applications in practice, and a plethora of solutions have been proposed in past few decades. The existing solutions, however, are optimized for either practical or asymptotic performance, but not both. In particular, the techniques with enhanced practical efficiency are mostly heuristic-based, and they offer unattractive worst-case guarantees in terms of space and time. On the other hand, the methods that are worst-case efficient often entail prohibitive preprocessing or space overheads, which render them inapplicable for the large road networks (with millions of nodes) commonly used in modern map applications.This paper presents Arterial Hierarchy (AH), an index structure that narrows the gap between theory and practice in answering shortest path and distance queries on road networks. On the theoretical side, we show that, under a realistic assumption, AH answers any distance query in O(log α) time, where α = dmax/dmin, and dmax (resp. dmin) is the largest (resp. smallest) L∞ distance between any two nodes in the road network. In addition, any shortest path query can be answered in O(k + log α) time, where k is the number of nodes on the shortest path. On the practical side, we experimentally evaluate AH on a large set of real road networks with up to twenty million nodes, and we demonstrate that (i) AH outperforms the state of the art in terms of query time, and (ii) its space and pre-computation overheads are moderate.

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